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Viewing most recent comments 82 to 121 of 738 · Next page · Previous page · First page · Last page Yeah menu it's bugged when you press on credits also the game it's not uploaded for browser version (it's a very old version).


I'm stuck on the part of Tricia's message, she sends the photo and the mission is not complete, can anyone help?


Just click on her chat icon.


where tho beccause ive clicked on it and it just makes me buy the emoji pack agai

do i need to download the game to get the full verison or something cuz web version tells me to wait for the next patch that i thought was ou


When will this be in Android

Whats the difference between (continue) and (continue from last patch) in the main menu ?

continue goes off of your last save, while continue from last patch lets you start from the end of last patch. So you can see all of the new content



No shot game actually got updated???

Random update lolzz

did they actually update the game..?

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does anyone know why when i launch it the screen is just white

is it true this person died




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(1 edit)

Where can i find a version for andriod because lewdzone sends me to stripchat and does not download it.

Mobile link is on lewdzone i think

when will a update be Released?

Are you planning on a mobile version for this?

Show post...

there is

wait really? There's no download link here


*update* haven't been on this since January where i left off on the possibility of Ferdafs passing due to some rumors i came across, but apon today seeing someone mention a recent update on their Patreon so i checked it and was very happy to see they are fine and was on a extensive break as shown below.

i apologize if i have left people concerned or questioning with my previous comment. i was just going off the only form of information i was able to find at the time.

I'm hope Ferdafs is doing well and wish them a prosperous return.


I'm so f****** happy I literally also thought they have died

I'm so happy to discover they are not dead❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥😮‍💨


Same here. i really need to stop looking at obscure threads lol getting to my head.


so after ferdafs recover they will start updating this game ?


hopefully soon but the amount of time they've been inactive they'll probs be taking their time getting back into the game making stuffs

hey iam sorry to bother u with this question but do you know why beth's quest [earth's solution to pollution] always reappears after i complete it ?

Pls android version


why does it get stuck at the part when you have to text tricia

i know right, even  on the dildo thing

are updates coming?


i know visual novels tend to be kinda boring time to time, but holy, this shit is BORING


First off: I'm not used to commenting on anything like this and have never done something like this before.

So Syralix115 started the whole thing by claiming that Ferdafs may be dead, claiming to have heard it from some Reddit user. While there is no source backing this up, there were no signs of life from Ferdafs since May 2023. The last update, since the release of version 3.9 (, which was released on the 31st of January 2024, was back in May 2023. Whilst this page can be considered dead, Ferdafs can't be. S/he was never actively updating her/his page and is definitely NOT dead. You can expect updates on the patreon account of Ferdafs which should be considered the official source for anything. Whilst there has been posts about a surgery and such, those didn't seem to be influencing the activity of Ferdafs.

To end this comment and not build a text wall, I will just say that you shouldn't listen to everything someone from the internet said and look for sources backing things up. The creator of this game is not dead and their game actively being worked on. 


I'm gonna write this to anyone who comes here in the future...

I think this game is... dead. it's not being updated anymore, there is complete silence on patreon and has been for at least a year or half a year? I don't know if higher tiers had any connection? or not? I was only low payment member.

anyway from what I have seen and actively been looking up there's no updates, there's no communication, there's no nothing and now? it's technically 2 years since an update here.....

I don't know why? one person say beneath me they have seen somewhere that they're dead? I don't know if that is true? I hope it's not.

but no matter what the case is as to why there's no communication and their absence and no updates just assume the game itself is dead and left behind or not being worked on anymore and just be happy it exist because I don't think we'll get any more than this unless someone else somehow continues it or does something else similar

v3.9 i think came out for the game recently he doesnt update the game much

there is another game trying to finish a way back home

is there another developer trying to finish it? if there is do you know where to get access?


rick and morty another way home 



Story: 6.5 won't read all of it

Graphics: 5 mid 

Action : 5.5 Needs more


the person making it died

Wait fr


not too sure but i saw in a redit someone say that furdaf has passed. might be true might not be but probs the only explanation of their silence at this point. just in case its true RIP


holy s*** I really hope that's not true😰

but they have not posted any updates here for 2 years now and I stopped eventually being a patron due to complete silence on patreon as well.

so either it's true? and they're dead or they have left this game and everything behind or something is really! keeping them away from saying anything in regards to the game and updates in general and as to why the silent.


It seems to be so. I just hope others take it into consideration.


tried to download the mac file on my mac but it just immediately says it can't be opened

did you ever figure out a solution for this?

no :(


For those who don't know, Ferdafs has been inactive Since May 2023 This game should be considered abandoned. 

great yet another one, first summoner's quest now this



RM_v3_6 PC RAR.rar I think

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i can't figure with tricia message quest i keep messaging her but the mission didn't update? can someone help me with this mission?



Can you make this game available on android pls

A while back, there was an android version. Idk what happened

android version  is on his patreon(3.8) and blog (3.7)

Do you know if he's still working on it, or is this an abandoned project?

Some other commenters recently said that they saw people say Ferdafs passed away, and that this game is therefore abandoned. Whether it's true or not idk


I don't know why but when it tells me to text Tricia the quest doesn't update even if I text her like 5 times nothing happens.


Can you make a linux version because alot of people are switching to linux and kinda forced to because the whole windows stopping security updates

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there is one on his patreon


cant find the mindblowers anymore, anyone know why?


It says it takes 1GB space, but it's actually 1.8 GB >.<


You just learned about the awesome feature called "file compression and decompression"



is there any way to know if im done everything in the game at the moment or just when theres nothing else to do

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

how could I purchase this game on iphone?

Does anyone else DO a DO?

does anyone elses say failed to load mono

2 months late, but you didn't put the "MonoBleedingEdge" folder inside the game folder

I thought i did that i have it on my phone right now so it be a waste of progress at this point thanks for the help anyway 

where can I find a summer phone pls

At night, in her chamber.

But now i search the code … :(


I messaged tricia but i cant get off IM, idk why


im having that problem too

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